It occurred to me recently, as I was introduced to someone yet again as a food writer, that I may have misrepresented myself somewhere along the way. Sure, I write a lot about food, restaurants, culinary movements and the people fueling them, but I also write about a host of other topics (ahem, a book about women!), including business, sustainability, travel, technology, and societal issues. Heck, I have a piece about menopause being published this month! But then I thought, does it really matter? If people come for food and stay for all of the other stories I want to keep telling, isn’t that enough?
It is, which is why I’m committed to helping people have better dining experiences in Paris. Over the years I’ve heard from so many readers, across platforms (too many platforms!) that my suggestions have not only delivered, they offered an insight into the perpetually changing city — what moves it, what its locals want and need, and why it’s so important to the city’s culinary legacy that these places exist at all.
So with that, I give you not only three places but three specific dishes (all in the 11th arrondissement but I promise I have favorites elsewhere! See my latest write-up for Resy) that I enjoyed and find emblematic of this particular moment in Paris.